The Snapdragon 888-powered smartphone was launched not too long ago and offers solid build quality, speedy performance, good battery life, and Samsung’s awesome software upgrade promise. However, its $699 price — just $100 less than the base Galaxy S21 model — made it hard to recommend. With another $100 shaved off on Amazon, the Fan Edition is actually an attractive buy.
You can grab the Samsung Galaxy S21 FE in two variants and the Amazon discount applies to both of them. The price of the model with 256GB storage is now down from $769 to $669. Meanwhile, the 128GB version of the Galaxy S21 FE is currently available for $599, down from $699.
As we noted in our review, the Galaxy S21 FE is “a fine piece of hardware.” The only thing holding it back was the price, but this deal definitely makes the phone worth considering if you’re in the market for an affordable flagship.
You can grab Amazon’s $100 discount on the Samsung Galaxy S21 FE by clicking the links below.
Samsung Galaxy S21 FE
Samsung’s 2021 flagship finally gets a “fan edition”
The Samsung Galaxy S21 FE is very similar to the vanilla Galaxy S21, but you can now get it for an even better price.