Pokemon Sword and Shield Are Holding a New Gigantamax Pokemon Event – CNET

Pokemon Sword and Shield Are Holding a New Gigantamax Pokemon Event – CNET


Gigantamax forms of Venusaur, Charizard and Blastoise are appearing in Pokemon Sword and Shield for a limited time.

The Pokemon Company

Pokemon Sword and Shield are holding a special Max Raid event to celebrate the series’ anniversary.

Until Feb. 27, Gigantamax Venusaur, Gigantamax Charizard and Gigantamax Blastoise are all appearing more frequently in Max Raid dens. Not only is this a good opportunity to catch the rare Pokemon if you don’t yet have them, you’ll also receive a Max Mushroom and other rewards each time you defeat the monsters. These mushrooms can be used in the Isle of Armor dojo to effectively enable other compatible Pokemon to Gigantamax.

Before the featured Pokemon can begin appearing in your game, you must first refresh your Max Raid dens. You can do so either by connecting your game to the internet or by selecting Get the Wild Area News from the Mystery Gift menu. The event runs until 3:59 p.m. PT on Feb. 27.

The Pokemon Company has dubbed Feb. 27 “Pokemon Day,” as it marks the date the original Pokemon Red and Green games first launched in Japan. The company will announce more updates and events for other Pokemon games each day in the lead up to the anniversary.

In addition to the Gigantamax Pokemon, Sword and Shield are giving out three shiny Galarian legendaries. All players who took part in at least three battles during the February International Challenge will receive a shiny Galarian Articuno. Shiny versions of Galarian Zapdos and Galarian Moltres will also be distributed as rewards for the March and April International Challenges.

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