How to block or mute someone on Discord

How to block or mute someone on Discord

Discord is an incredible communication tool, but sometimes people go a step too far. Someone you don’t know might try reaching out to you, or someone might be sending you too many messages. If they start interrupting you and you need a break from them, you will need to know how to block or mute them on Discord.

Read more: How to manage notifications and sounds on Discord


To mute someone on Discord, you will need to right-click their username and, from the extended menu, click Mute. You can choose to mute them for 15 minutes1 hour3 hours8 hours24 hours, or “Until I turn it back on.”


How to block someone on Discord

When you block another user, they will no longer be able to send you direct messages. Additionally, any new messages sent by that person in a shared server will be hidden.


Right-click the user you want to block. This can be anywhere, including from the list of users in a server.

Rightclick and block a user

Curtis Joe / Android Authority

From the dropdown menu, click Block.

Android and iOS

Tap the name bar of the user you want to block on the Discord mobile app. From the subsequent user menu, press the ᐧᐧᐧ button in the top right of their banner.

block another user on mobile discord

Curtis Joe / Android Authority

Press the flag-shaped Block button to block that user.

How to mute someone on Discord

If someone is sending you too many messages, you may want to mute them. Muting someone will stop notifications for you when they send a new message. That said, if they tag you, otherwise known as “pinging,” you will still receive a notification. If you want to turn off ping notifications, you’ll need to suppress those within a server’s Notification Settings.


Right-click the user you want to mute. This can be anywhere, including from the list of users in a server.

how long do you want to mute the user

Curtis Joe / Android Authority

Hover your cursor over Mute @[their username]. From the extended menu, choose how long you want to mute them. This will mute their direct message notifications.

If you want to mute someone in a Discord server, you must right-click their name bar in that server and click the checkbox next to Mute.

mute another user on discord desktop

Curtis Joe / Android Authority

Android and iOS

Currently, on Android and iOS, you can only mute someone’s direct messages. The mute option for other people within servers isn’t available.

From your Direct Messages list, find the person you want to mute and long-press their name. A menu will pop up from the bottom of the screen, and you will press Mute Channel.

muting direct message discord mobile

Curtis Joe / Android Authority

What happens when I block someone on Discord?

When you block another user on Discord, they will no longer be able to send you direct messages. Additionally, any new messages sent by that person in a shared server will be hidden.

What happens when I mute someone on Discord?

When you mute someone, new messages from them won’t trigger a notification for you unless they ping you.

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