It’s no secret that physical activity is important. After all, even just 15 minutes of exercise each day can make a difference in your health. The best part is that there are ways you can personalize your workout to help you meet your fitness goals, whether you want to maintain your strength as you age or are focused on the best weight-loss workouts.
Many forms of exercise can help raise your heart rate, which allows you to burn calories. But after that, things can get confusing. With so many options — and many claiming to be the “best program” that guarantees the “best results” — it can be difficult to know which workouts are most likely to help you achieve the results you want for the time you invest.
All exercise can improve mental health and provide many benefits besides losing weight. But if you’re feeling stuck in your current routine or want to try new exercises that may help you lose weight more efficiently and effectively, these three expert-approved exercises can help.
The first exercise that many people do when they want to lose weight is cardio. While cardio is great for elevating your heart rate and burning calories, it’s not the most efficient exercise you can do for weight loss. Cardio is important for losing weight, but to really take your results up a notch, you must also add some exercises that build your muscles. Cardio is an important part of any exercise routine, and you should include it in your weekly routine along with strength training.
Cardio intervals vs. steady-state training
Not all cardio is the same when it comes to weight loss. Any type of cardio is important to include in a well-balanced workout program, but the two main types are steady-state and interval-based.
Cardio intervals: Cardio intervals can consist of any exercise you enjoy (running, jogging, walking, cycling) — except you alternate intense periods with lower-intensity periods to recover, like alternating jogging with a sprint. The intense periods are shorter (like one to two minutes), and you usually recover for about twice that time (two to four minutes), depending on the workout.
Bryna Caracino
Dumbbells racked either resting on shoulders or back of dumbbells pressed into the front shoulder. If you’re a beginner, you can leave the dumbbells by your side.
Think of a squat like you’re sitting into a chair. Press your booty back, lowering your body with your chest pressed forward. Pull all 10 toes off the ground so you’re sitting back into the posterior (back part of body). As you start to drive back up, press weight through your heels, engaging glutes and hamstrings back to standing position.
Medicine ball wood chop
Do a squat, then place your hands on the floor, jump back into a pushup position, lower your body all the way to the ground. Press your body back up into a pushup position. Jump the feet forward landing on the outside of your hands, then jump up as high as you can.
Modification: Take out all of the jumping. So you can step back into plank, step forward into a squat and skip the jump at the top.
3. Compound movements
So how do you combine cardio with strength exercises so that you’re not only burning calories but also building strength? “Some of the best exercises for weight loss are full-body compound movements cycled with cardio sessions,” says Brooke Taylor, a certified personal trainer and founder of the Ignite Program. “A compound movement is a multijoint exercise that is designed to target multiple muscle groups at one time.
“It is so important to mix in both weights and cardio interval training if you want to change your body composition, improve muscle mass and tone up the supporting muscles. This goes hand in hand with building bone density and strengthening your cardiovascular system,” Taylor says.
Full-body workout with compound exercises
For cardio, you can do one minute of jump rope in between each exercise.
Push up to renegade row tricep kickback
“This exercise activates the anterior and posterior chain of the body, elevates the heart rate and engages the deep stabilizers of the body,” Taylor says.
Start in a plank position with the hands directly underneath your shoulders holding the weights, your legs slightly wider than hip distance apart, activating your core and glutes throughout.
As you inhale, lower your body down, forming a 90-degree angle at the elbow, and exhale to press the floor away.
Inhale slightly, shift your weight to balance on one side as you exhale, draw your navel in towards your spine as you pull the opposite elbow in towards your ribcage and extend it back in line with your hip.
Inhale to lower the arm down, transfer the weight to the other side and pull the arm in towards the ribcage, kickback then lower.
The goal is to keep the pelvis and spine neutral throughout, abs engaged and core tight.
Burpee to bicep curls
Start in a plank position with your shoulders directly over your wrists.
As you exhale jump your legs into straddle the mat as you simultaneously drop your sitz bones down and bicep curl.