Bluey’s house is on Airbnb for real life! – CNET

Bluey’s house is on Airbnb for real life! – CNET


I want to live here forever.


Bluey, currently streaming on Disney Plus, is the rarest of things: A kids TV show that delights children but also manages to entrance parents in the process. It’s a small miracle.

But in Australia, where the show is based, Bluey’s house is something of a running joke. It’s just… way too beautiful! One real estate website in Australia crunched the numbers and estimated that, based on current house prices, Bluey’s house is worth at least AU$4 million. What the hell does Bandit do for a living. Is he… an actual bandit?

I’m guessing that puts Bluey’s house out of most people’s price range. 

But maybe you could Airbnb it? 


This is too much.


Well, now you can! Today a new listing went up on Airbnb for a real, life-sized version of Bluey’s house. It is absolutely spectacular.

According to Bluey creator Daley Peterson, who tweeted about it today, the house has been in development for over a year. It’s located in Brisbane, Australia — where Bluey lives, canonically — and it’s dense with Bluey related detail to make any fan go ballistic.





Look, it’s way too early in the Australian morning for me to be thinking about SleepyTime (sob).

I really, really want to take my kids to stay here…

The Airbnb site currently prices the house at $10 a night, which is obviously not correct. According to the page, the house will be available for two adults and two children for a two-night stay from Feb 18-20. Only residents of Australian can apply.

I suspect the price will change to something exorbitant when booking officially opens on 14 Feb at 1 p.m. PST. I will pay any price.

Hilariously, dogs are not allowed in this house. No pets whatsoever. Bluey can’t live in Bluey’s house. Maybe that’s why they put it up on Airbnb in the first place?

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