One week into the war and with cities under siege, a humanitarian crisis looms.

One week into the war and with cities under siege, a humanitarian crisis looms.

One day after Russian forces seized the first major city in their onslaught in Ukraine — potentially clearing the way for a bid to seize the entire Black Sea coast and cut off the country from world shipping — Russian forces on Thursday continued to lay siege to major cities, creating a dire humanitarian crisis.

One million people have fled the country, according to the United Nations. Millions more have left their homes and are seeking safety in the western reaches of Ukraine or taking shelter deep underground.

A vast network of Ukrainian volunteers has emerged to help those stranded in the cities under siege, but with each passing day their situation grows more grim as Russia steps up its bombardment of civilian areas and infrastructure.

Here are the latest developments:

  • The Russian invasion appeared to be making its biggest gains in the south, with the capture of the strategic port of Kherson on Wednesday, though it was unclear how they planned to hold the city and govern a population that has resisted them at every turn.

  • Russia continued its attacks on Kyiv, the capital, and Russian forces surrounded the key port city Mariupol, whose fall would enable two flanks of Russian and Russian-backed fighters to trap Ukraine’s forces in the southeast.

  • The International Paralympic Committee said on Thursday that athletes from Russia and its ally Belarus would be barred from competing in the Beijing Paralympic Games, which begin on Friday. It had previously said that the athletes would be allowed to compete as neutrals.

  • President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine claimed in a broadcast early Thursday that the Ukrainians had thwarted the Russian invasion plans. He acknowledged that Russian forces had taken control in some cities, but said they would be driven out: “I am sure of this: If they entered somewhere, it is only temporarily. We’ll drive them out. With shame.”

  • Civilians have built a large barricade on the road to the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in Enerhodar, on the front line of Russian advances from Crimea in southern Ukraine.

  • Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European Commission, said the European Union would finance the purchase and delivery of weapons for Ukraine, a shift from leaving the processes to individual member nations.

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