Mike Myers Is Back, Playing 8 Characters in New Netflix Comedy ‘The Pentaverate’ – CNET

We haven’t seen much of Mike Myers lately, but in a new Netflix comedy, you’ll see a lot of him. The Austin Powers and Shrek star plays eight, count ’em, eight roles in The Pentaverate.

And if you need a flavor of the tone, one of those characters is called “Lord Lordington.” Yes, stand by for some prime Mike Myers silliness when the six-episode comedy streams May 5.

Myers stars as a Canadian journalist setting out to expose an Illuminati-style secret society, The Pentaverate. He also plays a conspiracy theorist; a far-right radio host; a media mogul; an Ex-Russian oligarch; a rock ‘n’ roll manager; a tech genius; and the oldest and highest-ranking member of the Pentaverate.

Somehow there are also roles for Ken Jeong, Keegan-Michael Key, Jeremy Irons, Debi Mazar, Richard McCabe, Jennifer Saunders and Lydia West.

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