Mac Studio Teardown Points to Upgradeable SSD Storage, Modular Ports

Mac Studio Teardown Points to Upgradeable SSD Storage, Modular Ports

Mac Studio with Studio Display

The Mac Studio went on sale on March 18, and the first teardown video of the machine has made its way to the internet. Accessing the innards of the Mac Studio requires one to remove the rubber sealing at the bottom, which then reveals four screws to keep the base plate connected to the chassis.

The most interesting part of the teardown is an additional port that can be potentially used to connect an SSD to the Mac Studio. Apple, however, says its newest Mac is not user upgradeable and offers a maximum of 8TB storage at the time of configuration. YouTuber Max Tech did try using a Mac Pro SSD on the Mac Studio, but it was too big to fit in the slot. It is possible that Apple may itself offer SSD upgrades for already-purchased Mac Studio units down the line, or we may even see SSD upgrade kits for it being available.

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Compared to the M1 Mac mini, the Mac Studio is denser and packs a lot more components. The teardown shows all the ports inside the Mac are modular in nature, so if they ever become faulty down the line, you can replace them easily yourself without requiring a logic board replacement.

The video shows the massive cooling system of the Mac Studio, especially when compared to the logic board itself. You can also see the gigantic M1 Ultra chip that is twice in size compared to an AMD Ryzen CPU. Additionally, it has an Apple logo embossed on the top of it.

What do you think about the Mac Studio and the M1 Ultra? Do you plan on buying it?

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