Snap, the parent company of disappearing messaging platform Snapchat, announced Thursday that users will now be able to share YouTube video links through the app. The link will be made into a sticker that users can apply to videos or pictures of themselves.
“With this new integration, we’re making it easier than ever for these viewers to send their favorite clips and videos right where they are already talking with their friends on Snapchat,” Snap wrote in a news release. “At Snap, we believe in the power of visual communication, and with this partnership, we’re giving our community infinite ways to express themselves.”
How to share a YouTube sticker link over Snapchat
1. Open YouTube and select a video.
2. Tap Share and choose Snapchat.
3. Create an original Snapchat and apply the YouTube video sticker however you want.
4. Send it to your friends or add it to your Snapchat story.
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