Shooting Star Season Kicks Off With the Lyrid Meteor Shower This Week – CNET


The 2012 Lyrid meteor shower as captured by astronaut Don Pettit aboard the International Space Station. 


The first quarter of each year is a relatively quiet period for meteor showers, but the drought is about to end with the Lyrid meteor shower set to light up night skies in the second half of April. 

The Lyrids become active April 14, just before this month’s full “pink” moon on Saturday. The pink moon isn’t actually pink, but rather is named for the pink ground phlox flower. 

Things really heat up when the Lyrids reach their peak of activity on the night of Thursday, April 21, into the early hours of Friday, April 22. As these showers go, the Lyrids are pretty average and produce about 15 to 20 meteors per hour under ideal viewing conditions.

But this shower has a special place in the hearts of die-hard sky watchers as it typically takes place under mild weather and is the first major opportunity to spot a shooting star in several months. What can make a night of looking at Lyrids memorable, though, is the shower’s proclivity for producing bright fireballs. 

The source of the Lyrids is debris left behind by the comet C/1861 G1 Thatcher. Around this time each year, Earth drifts through a cloud of dust and other cosmic detritus, which, when it smacks into our atmosphere and burns up high above us, is visible for a few fantastic, fleeting seconds. 

To have the best chance to see the show, you’ll want to make a plan to head out on the peak night, or perhaps the night before or after. Find a spot away from light pollution with a broad, clear view of the sky. The best time for viewing is roughly between midnight and two a.m., local time, when the radiant that the meteors seem to emanate from will be higher in the sky, but before the moon comes up to wash them out.

The Lyrids are named for the constellation Lyra the harp, because they appear to travel outward from the part of the sky that the constellation and its bright star Vega occupy. It can be helpful to position Lyra in your line of sight, but usually just having a wide view of the sky is good enough to see shooting stars or fireballs. 

Once you’re ready, find a comfortable spot to lie back, give your eyes at least15 minutes to adjust to the dark and then just relax and watch. Best of luck!

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