As hardware and performance continue to improve, the lines between laptop and tablet are starting to blur. Particularly on models like the latest fifth-gen iPad Air, which comes equipped with Apple’s M1 processor, the same series found in its MacBooks. This sleek, versatile tablet hit shelves last month, and we’re already starting to see some discounts pop up. Right now, you can save up to $49 on the 64GB model with cellular, though only on the purple or starlight (aka white) color variants. Or $40 on the purple Wi-Fi only model, with prices starting at just $559. If you prefer a little extra storage, the space gray 256GB model is also available for $70 less than the price from Apple directly, and the purple and pink variants are $24 off.
The latest generation iPad Air is packed full of cutting-edge hardware and specs that have it “mostly caught back up” to the pricier iPad Pro, according to CNET’s Scott Stein, who gave it a glowing review. The M1 chip has an eight-core CPU and GPU, meaning it can handle even high-strain apps like Adobe Photoshop. And the stunning 10.9-inch Liquid Retina display with True Tone and P3 Wide Color make it a great choice for creators and artists. It’s also equipped with a 12-megapixel camera that automatically keeps you centered on video calls, and Wi-Fi 6 support for lightning-fast web performance (if you have a compatible router). On a single charge, it has a battery life of up to 10 hours, and features a USB-C charger, as opposed to the Lightning cable found on other models.
There’s no clear-cut expiration on these offers, but discounts on the latest Apple devices rarely last for too long. If you’re committed to grabbing a tablet at this price, we’d recommend acting sooner rather than later. Looking for a different iPad? Be sure to check out all the best iPad deals now.