Stop Indoor Pests With Up to 44% Off Katchy Insect Traps – CNET

Are you having problems with pests buzzing around your home or office? You no longer have to rely on the unsightly insect traps of the past. Upgrade today and save up to 44% off modern Katchy pest control traps to keep mosquitos, gnats, fruit flies and other critters at bay. This offer expires tonight, May 3.

Katchy’s attractive insect traps catch more than the eye. Their thoughtful design lets you avoid frustrating and potentially harmful pest-control methods, like glue strips, poison and loud, sizzling zappers. And if you have pets or small children, you’ll be glad to have something both quiet and clean for your home. (Scrubbing a fly strip’s glue out of the fur of a curious cat was enough to cure me of ever wanting to use that method again.) 

Using Katchy’s traps is far easier than other insect-suppressing methods, too. Just set next to fruit, plants, trash bins or other high-risk indoor locations to catch bugs before they become a menace. A strong UV light attracts and lures flying insects toward the light, then they get sucked into the Katchy with airflow from quiet fans and attach to the sticky glue boards inside. The glue pads are peel-and-place and only need to be changed once a month, so maintenance is simple.

And if you get the Katchy Duo, you’ll also have access to a 360-degree UV ring light and an automatic mode that will turn on whenever it’s dark enough for optimal insect attraction. The Duo even comes with a removable bait trap so you can increase the temptation in potential pests even more.

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