How to Get Started with Message Reactions on WhatsApp for iPhone

How to Get Started with Message Reactions on WhatsApp for iPhone

BY Chandraveer Mathur

Published 5 May 2022



WhatsApp End to End Encrypted

WhatsApp End to End Encrypted

WhatsApp has been testing several new features. After several months of anticipation, it has launched the Message Reactions option for iPhone and Android users. Unsurprisingly, the implementation resembles message reactions on Instagram.

The rollout of message reactions for WhatsApp was first announced in a Facebook post from Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg. The feature has started rolling out today. However, it could take a few days before it begins working for all WhatsApp users.

Presently, the message reactions implementation on the instant messaging (IM) platform is rudimentary. You can use six emojis to react to messages, and they cannot be personalized or replaced with other emojis of your choice. Reacting to a message on WhatsApp for iPhone is relatively straightforward. Just long-press any message you want to respond to. From the pop-up menu, just select the emoji of your choice. The six you could choose from are thumbs up, red heart, laughing face, surprised face, teary face, and hands together in prayer. Once you react to a message, the selected emoji will be appended to it.

whatsapp message reactions

whatsapp message reactions

The feature seems to have been borrowed directly from Instagram’s direct messaging feature, another Meta-owned platform. Even on Instagram, you just need to long-tap on a message and select an emoji to react with. However, WhatsApp is an IM-focused platform, and there are some key differences you should be aware of before you get started using message reactions.

If you accidentally react with the wrong emoji, just long-press the message again and select the correct one. Your previous unintended reaction will be overwritten. However, if you wish to undo a reaction, just deselect the one you accidentally/incorrectly chose from the menu. Essentially, you can only select one reaction per message. It is not possible to hide reactions and their count in group chats.

When the disappearing messages feature is activated in an individual or group chat, your reactions will disappear with the message they correspond to. Moreover, there is a possibility that the recipients or chat participants see your reaction before you undo/replace it. WhatsApp won’t give you a warning if it fails to remove a message reaction, either.

WhatsApp for iPhone is expected to gain more personalization for this feature in the future. You should be able to personalize the emoji that appear in the pop-up menu. Until then, we hope you enjoy the feature parity slowly emerging across Meta-owned social media platforms.

[Via WhatsApp]

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