Yes, Chik-fil-A Really Tried to Pay Workers in Chicken – CNET

What feels like one more in a long line of stories that should be Onion articles, the North Carolina Chik-fil-A where Madison Cawthorne once worked is receiving backlash after attempting to compensate workers — or technically “volunteers” — with, you guessed it, chicken. 

In a post that appeared Wednesday on the Facebook page for Chik-fil-A’s Henderson, North Carolina, location, management tempted would-be workers with the following offer: “We are looking for volunteers for our new Drive Thru Express! Earn 5 free entrees per shift (1 hr) worked. Message us for details.”

screenshot of facebook postscreenshot of facebook post

The Facebook post offering chicken for labor has since been deleted.

Via Facebook

The post has since been deleted but not before it garnered hundreds of comments and dozens of shares with many noting how the scheme likely violates the Fair Labor Standards Act, a 1938 federal labor law that mandates employers pay their employees (with money) for all of the hours they work. It’s also been noted by some online that Chik-fil-A’s owners are worth an estimated $14 billion. 

In response to the backlash, the store released a statement. Part of it reads, “Thanks for everyone’s concern on this matter,” the store said in response to a post that said it shouldn’t be offering “volunteer” positions. “This is a volunteer based opportunity, which means people can opt in to volunteer if they think it’s a good fit for them. We’ve had multiple people sign up and enjoy doing and have done it multiple times. People who sign up for this chose it voluntarily.” 

Setting aside the health risks of eating that amount of fried food on an ongoing basis, it’s worth noting that many restaurant groups and chains already offer employees free or deeply discounted meals during shifts on top of, ya know, money. 

As if the story wasn’t strange enough, it’s reported that this specific Chik-fil-A location once employed the controversial, one-term GOP Rep. Cawthorne (NC). Cawthorne lost his reelection bid in this year’s primary.

This is also not the first time Chik-fil-A has made national headlines for issues unrelated to chicken and fries. The fast food chain’s long history of supporting and donating to staunchly anti-LGBTQ entities has led many to dub its food “hate chicken.”

Read more: Daily Harvest Blames Tara Flour for Making Hundreds Sick

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