Twitter Could Soon Let You Control Who Mentions You – CNET

You could soon have more control over who can mention you on Twitter. App researcher and engineer Jane Manchun Wong found a version of an unreleased Twitter feature that lets you control who can and can’t mention you in their tweets.

“Twitter is working on letting you control who can mention you on Twitter,” Wong tweeted alongside a screenshot of the feature, as reported earlier by The Verge.

The controls give you three options: allow anyone to mention you, only people you follow or no one. By default, anyone can mention you in tweets.

These controls would be a significant shift that could help combat harassment on the platform by stopping people from mentioning others in harmful tweets. It could also prevent people from having friendlier conversations with others.

Twitter didn’t immediately respond to CNET’s request for comment.

This is the latest feature Twitter has reportedly tested in 2022. In May, Twitter began testing a feature that gives you control over who can and can’t see your tweets, and in July the company started testing a status label feature. Twitter also began testing an edit button in September before rolling out the feature to US subscribers in early October.

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