Instagram Introduces ‘Quiet Mode’ to Help You Take a Break – CNET

Instagram on Thursday launched Quiet Mode, which updates your activity status, pauses notifications and sends an autoreply when someone DMs you.

While it’s currently available to anyone in the US, UK, Ireland, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, Quiet Mode is particularly aimed at young users, who increasingly use Instagram as a messaging tool.

“Teens have told us that they sometimes want to take time for themselves and might be looking for more ways to focus at night, while studying and during school,” the platform’s parent company, Meta, said in a release

Quiet Mode on InstagramQuiet Mode on Instagram

An auto-generated message will go out to users who try to DM you when you’re in Quiet Mode.


Teenager users will be prompted to pause notifications “when they spend a specific amount of time on Instagram late at night,” the company added.

The platform has also rolled out new ways to control recommendations.

How to select not interested on InstagramHow to select not interested on Instagram

When you select “not interested” on a post in Explore, Instagram will try to avoid showing you the same type of content going forward.


When users select “Not Interested” on a post in Explore, Instagram will avoid recommending similar content in Reels, Search and other areas. You can also add words, emojis and hashtags to the Hidden Words section in your Privacy settings and your feed will stop suggesting content with those terms in captions.

Instagram’s Explore feature has also been updated to allow users to hide multiple posts at once.

Read On: Instagram’s Next Redesign Aims to Simplify Navigation

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