10 Easy Ways to Improve Your Eye Health Every Day – CNET

Eye health and eyesight go hand in hand. Seeing an eye doctor regularly for an eye exam is essential for overall health — especially if you already have vision problems or are at high risk for them — as vision loss can lower your quality of life and raise your risk of depression, diabetes and other health issues, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Practicing simple, daily habits can help you improve your eye health and reduce your risk of health problems in the future.

A woman holds her eyes in pain, glasses in hand. A woman holds her eyes in pain, glasses in hand.

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Move your body 

Regular exercise can provide eye health benefits, such as promoting healthy blood vessels and lowering your risk of developing glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy, the AAO reports. The CDC recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity every week, plus two days of strength training for your muscles. You can also practice eye exercises to reduce tension and eye strain while sitting at your desk.

Get outside

Children and adults need to get outside often, even if you get your recommended exercise indoors. Research shows that children who spend time outdoors have a lower risk of developing nearsightedness in adolescence and as adults. Playing with your kids at the local playground, walking through the woods or even playing in the backyard can help the whole family stay healthy and active. Don’t forget your sunglasses!

Don’t smoke

It’s well known that smoking is bad for your health. It can also increase your risk of developing eye diseases like cataracts or age-related macular degeneration, according to the Food and Drug Administration. Smokers have a two or three times higher chance of developing cataracts and up to four times higher risk for AMD. Future research may determine if smoking cigarettes can also cause glaucoma, Graves’ eye disease, thyroid eye disease and encourage diabetic retinopathy onset or progression. To improve your health, build a quit plan.

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