Best Water Filter Pitcher for 2023 – CNET

$21 at Amazon

zero water pitcher being held on counter

Seychelle pH20

Best pitcher for adding alkaline to your water


Bottled water is so out these days — a waste of money and a scourge on the environment. But that doesn’t mean you don’t deserve perfectly clean, fresh drinking water with none of the gnarly stuff. A water filter pitcher is the easy fix and we tested several to see how clean they actually get your tap water. In three consecutive rounds of testing, ZeroWater trounced the competition and lands atop our list as the best water filter pitcher to buy. It removed a stagger 100% off total dissolved solids and cost just $25.

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If you’re looking for a water pitcher that makes your water more alkaline, this produced the largest swing towards basic out of the alkaline pitchers in our test group.&nbsp;

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If you’re looking for a water pitcher that makes your water more alkaline, this produced the largest swing towards basic out of the alkaline pitchers in our test group.&nbsp;

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If you’re looking for a water pitcher that makes your water more alkaline, this produced the largest swing towards basic out of the alkaline pitchers in our test group.&nbsp;

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All the water filter pitchers we tested

Here’s a list of the nine pitchers we tested in this latest round:

One key thing to consider from this chart is the estimated life of each pitcher filter versus its cost. The Brita Metro Standard and Everyday models, the Pur Plus and the ZeroWater pitcher all have a lower estimated filter life of up to 40 gallons. While the Brita filter and Pur filter models cost about $7 each, the ZeroWater filters cost $15 each (but are sold in a $30 two-pack). Packets of granules to refill Aarke’s reusable filter cost about $20 for three. 

TDS (% change) Aarke Purifier -39 Brita Metro Standard -45.6 Brita Everyday -45.6 Brita Longlast -3.1 Hydros -17.5 Larg self-cleaning -2.2 Lifestraw -2 Pur Plus -6 ZeroWater -100

Which water filter pitcher removes the most impurities?

The ZeroWater pitcher managed to reduce all of the total dissolved solids in my tap water, from an average initial TDS reading of 57 ppm down to zero. Both Brita pitchers with the standard filter tied for second place, with a reduction of TDS from 57 down to 31 (a 45.6% decrease). The stylish (and expensive) Aarke also did well, removing nearly 40% of the TDS from tap water. 

Water taste is a bit trickier to measure, but every pitcher did help reduce the slightly metallic taste of my tap water. Unsurprisingly, the ZeroWater pitcher model tasted the best, with no discernible metallic taste or scent. 

Overall, the ZeroWater (ZP-010) made our job pretty easy. It completely dominated in terms of removing TDS and also happened to have one of the sturdiest designs. But there are other good options here too: The Brita Metro Standard is a great budget filter pitcher that weighs less than ZeroWater’s pitchers and has cheaper replacement filters. The Seychelle pH20 is a great pitcher pick if you want to add alkaline to water. And Aarke’s water purifier is my pick for the most stylish water pitcher with a sturdy build, stainless steel frame and glass pitcher. It costs much more than the others but offers a bit of elegance that few others do.

One thing to note is that we’re really testing the filters here and not the pitcher itself. Because most home filter pitchers made by a single brand will use the same filter, you can bet that no matter which size or shape dispenser you choose, the filter should do the same job, for better or worse. ZeroWater, for instance, has a line of about six pitchers, jugs and dispensers in various sizes, all of which use the same very effective five-stage filter. The one caveat within the brands we’ve tested here is Brita which offers a LongLast filter that did not perform as well as the Legacy Brita filters.

Another big takeaway is just how widely filtered water pitchers can vary, both in terms of performance and even in terms of their key function, as in the case of alkaline pitchers. As long as you identify your needs before you buy, you’re bound to find the right filtered water pitcher for you.

Factors to consider when choosing a filter pitcher

Type of filter

Most standard consumer filter pitchers reduce impurities that affect the taste and purity of water such as chlorine, lead, copper and other heavy metals. Other more expensive filter systems such as reverse osmosis and ion exchange can remove bacteria and viruses from water. For this list, we focused on basic, mechanical filters which comprise the majority of home filter pitcher types. Mechanical water filters, while limited in their function, are some of the most affordable and don’t require costly installation. 


Before you choose a model, consider how many water drinkers your filter pitcher will be used by. If it’s just you or you and one other person, a small or medium pitcher will likely suffice. If your space is occupied by three or four water drinkers, consider a large pitcher or dispenser jug instead.


The majority of water filter pitchers are made out of plastic. If you prefer a sturdier build, there are options for water filter pitchers made from glass and metal to add a refined touch to your H20 experience.


Consider what you’d like to spend on your filter pitcher. There are options ranging from $20 up to $105 or more. If you opt for an integrated water filter system that filters water before it even reaches your tap, you can expect to pay well into the hundreds. 

You should also consider the cost of the filters. Most need to be replaced every three or so months and those costs can add up over the course of a year. 

These handy kitchen gadgets work by allowing water to pass through a filter into a reservoir and removing impurities and contaminants in the process. To operate a typical water filter pitcher, you’ll simply pour water from the faucet and let it drip down into the bottom where it’s ready to be poured and consumed. This generally takes one or two minutes and you may need to fill the top reservoir twice or even three times and let it filter slowly down in order to fill the pitcher completely.

What contaminants should a water filter pitcher remove?

In our testing, it was fairly clear which water filter pitcher removed the most contaminants. The Zero Water pitcher, while significantly bigger and more expensive than the other pitchers, removed all of the dissolved materials we were testing for. The Brita filter pitchers came in second place and also removed a substantial amount of contaminants.

Do water filter pitchers remove bacteria?

The most important thing you can do to keep your water filter pitcher clean is to change the filter. Most filter pitcher brands including Brita and Zero Water recommend replacing the filter after about 40 gallons but this number varies by model.

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