The Best Pregnancy Pillows, as Tested By a Pregnant Wellness Editor – CNET

$70 at Amazon

Frida Mom Adjustable Keep-Cool Pregnancy Pillow on bed

Belly Bandit S.O.S. Side Sleeper Pregnancy Wedge Pillow

Best adjustable pregnancy pillow

$65 at Momcozy

Momcozy huggable our maternity body pillow

Hiccapop Pregnancy Pillow Wedge

Best pregnancy pillow wedge

Being pregnant comes with many sleep challenges that include insomnia, heartburn, an active fetus, even joint and ligament pain. A pregnancy pillow can be helpful during this stage of life. I’m not one to sleep with many pillows, but I tested various pregnancy pillows for the majority of my second and third trimester to see if any helped me sleep better. Now that I know about the different types of pregnancy pillows, I can see why pregnant people turn to these for relief at bedtime or when lying on the couch. Now that I’m at the final stage of my pregnancy and have tested these thoroughly, I’ve narrowed down some of my favorites.

Frida Mom Adjustable Keep-Cool Pregnancy Pillow on bed Frida Mom Adjustable Keep-Cool Pregnancy Pillow on bed

Giselle Castro-Sloboda/ CNET

<div data-id data-cy="shortcodeListicleSmallImage" data-location="LIST" edition="us" superlative="Best adjustable pregnancy pillow" imagegroup="{"alt":"S.O.S. Side Sleeper Pregnancy Wedge Pillow on a bed","caption":"

The S.O.S. Side Sleeper Pregnancy Wedge Pillow is ideal if you’re looking for an adjustable pillow that can support both your back and belly.

","credits":"Giselle Castro-Sloboda/ CNET","imageData":{"id":"186ff062-34bb-4105-b10d-241053fd59d8","title":"best-pregnancy-pillows-2","filename":"best-pregnancy-pillows-2.jpg","path":"","caption":"

The S.O.S. Side Sleeper Pregnancy Wedge Pillow is ideal if you’re looking for an adjustable pillow that can support both your back and belly.

","size":1135058,"width":1569,"height":1177,"dateCreated":{"date":"2023-09-05 18:38:37","timezone":"UTC","timezone_type":3},"dateUpdated":{"date":"2023-09-05 18:40:04","timezone":"UTC","timezone_type":3},"needsModeration":false,"mimeType":"image/jpeg","deleted":false,"credits":"Giselle Castro-Sloboda/ CNET","alt":"S.O.S. Side Sleeper Pregnancy Wedge Pillow on a bed","restricted":false,"startDate":null,"endDate":null,"preferred":false,"watermark":false,"doNotCrop":false,"doNotResize":false,"primaryCollection":null,"vanityUrl":null,"notes":null,"crop":null,"cropGravity":0,"preservedRegion":null,"isNew":false,"keywords":[],"primeColor":null,"hasWarning":false,"typeName":"content_image"},"uuid":"186ff062-34bb-4105-b10d-241053fd59d8","imageAltText":"S.O.S. Side Sleeper Pregnancy Wedge Pillow on a bed","imageCaption":"

The S.O.S. Side Sleeper Pregnancy Wedge Pillow is ideal if you’re looking for an adjustable pillow that can support both your back and belly.

","imageCredit":"Giselle Castro-Sloboda/ CNET","imageDoNotCrop":false,"imageDoNotResize":false,"imageWatermark":false,"imageFilename":"best-pregnancy-pillows-2.jpg","imageDateCreated":"2023/09/05","imageWidth":1569,"imageHeight":1177,"imageParallax":"","imageCrop":"","imageEnlarge":false}” overridecaption=”

The S.O.S. Side Sleeper Pregnancy Wedge Pillow is ideal if you’re looking for an adjustable pillow that can support both your back and belly.

” overridecredit=”Giselle Castro-Sloboda/ CNET” usepricing=”true” data-key=”cnetlisticle__a6c25b1d-e4c8-40e2-8346-a6c28f742553″ position=”2″ contenttype=”Best List – Precap” pagelayout=”Default – Article Page” showdetails=”true” class=”c-shortcodeListicle c-shortcodeListicle-smallImage g-outer-spacing-bottom-large g-border-thin-light-top g-border-thin-light-bottom g-border-thin-light-right g-border-thin-light-left”>

If you’re looking for a side sleeper pillow that offers some back and belly support that you can adjust throughout your pregnancy, you’ll love the Belly Bandit S.O.S. Side Sleeper Pregnancy Wedge Pillow. The side sleeper pillow is best for those looking for a pillow that specifically supports their belly and back when they sleep on their side. It consists of a round flat pillow wedge to support the belly and a triangle wedge for the lower back. There’s a velcro belt across the middle of the two pillows, which you can adjust according to the space your body needs. This was one of my favorite features on this pillow since you can use it throughout all the trimesters as your belly grows. It’s also travel-friendly thanks to its compact size.

Momcozy huggable our maternity body pillow Momcozy huggable our maternity body pillow

Giselle Castro-Sloboda/ CNET

<div data-id data-cy="shortcodeListicleSmallImage" data-location="LIST" edition="us" superlative="Best organic pregnancy pillow" imagegroup="{"alt":"Newton Baby Pregnancy Pillow on a bed","caption":"

The Newton Baby Pregnancy Pillow is the same size as a traditional full body pillow, but not as heavily cushioned.&nbsp;

","credits":"Giselle Castro-Sloboda/ CNET","imageData":{"id":"c8759f90-5375-40a5-82f5-0c883ffe19a3","title":"best-pregnancy-pillows-5","filename":"best-pregnancy-pillows-5.jpg","path":"","caption":"

The Newton Baby Pregnancy Pillow is the same size as a traditional full body pillow, but not as heavily cushioned.&nbsp;

","size":1629383,"width":1872,"height":1404,"dateCreated":{"date":"2023-09-05 19:33:29","timezone":"UTC","timezone_type":3},"dateUpdated":{"date":"2023-09-05 19:39:16","timezone":"UTC","timezone_type":3},"needsModeration":false,"mimeType":"image/jpeg","deleted":false,"credits":"Giselle Castro-Sloboda/ CNET","alt":"Newton Baby Pregnancy Pillow on a bed","restricted":false,"startDate":null,"endDate":null,"preferred":false,"watermark":false,"doNotCrop":false,"doNotResize":false,"primaryCollection":null,"vanityUrl":null,"notes":null,"crop":null,"cropGravity":0,"preservedRegion":null,"isNew":false,"keywords":[],"primeColor":null,"hasWarning":false,"typeName":"content_image"},"uuid":"c8759f90-5375-40a5-82f5-0c883ffe19a3","imageAltText":"Newton Baby Pregnancy Pillow on a bed","imageCaption":"

The Newton Baby Pregnancy Pillow is the same size as a traditional full body pillow, but not as heavily cushioned.&nbsp;

","imageCredit":"Giselle Castro-Sloboda/ CNET","imageDoNotCrop":false,"imageDoNotResize":false,"imageWatermark":false,"imageFilename":"best-pregnancy-pillows-5.jpg","imageDateCreated":"2023/09/05","imageWidth":1872,"imageHeight":1404,"imageParallax":"","imageCrop":"","imageEnlarge":false}” overridecaption=”

The Newton Baby Pregnancy Pillow is the same size as a traditional full body pillow, but not as heavily cushioned.&nbsp;

” overridecredit=”Giselle Castro-Sloboda/ CNET” usepricing=”true” data-key=”cnetlisticle__9c76d260-b737-481b-86dc-150a527c14b9″ position=”4″ contenttype=”Best List – Precap” pagelayout=”Default – Article Page” showdetails=”true” class=”c-shortcodeListicle c-shortcodeListicle-smallImage g-outer-spacing-bottom-large g-border-thin-light-top g-border-thin-light-bottom g-border-thin-light-right g-border-thin-light-left”>

If you find most body pillows to be too heavily cushioned, then you’ll want to check out the Newton Baby Pregnancy Pillow. Not only is it less cushioned than a traditional full-body pregnancy pillow, but it’s made up of organic cotton and has memory foam to provide you with support throughout your body. The arm on this U-shaped pillow is detachable and adjustable so you can customize it based on your needs.

Hiccapop Pregnancy Pillow Wedge on bed Hiccapop Pregnancy Pillow Wedge on bed

Giselle Castro-Sloboda/ CNET

Other pregnancy pillows we tested

Boppy Total Body Pillow: I found the shape of this pregnancy pillow to be awkward because parts of it are shorter than others so it wasn’t as comfortable or supportive as the other pillows tested. I also found myself overheating when I slept with this pillow even though the cover is supposed to be breathable.  

How we picked the best pregnancy pillows

When testing the best pregnancy pillows, we looked at a few factors that pregnant people would appreciate comfort-wise as each trimester requires different needs. 

Firmness: The ideal firmness of a pillow may vary depending on preference and the person’s needs — for example, if they need more head, belly or back support.

Support: Support is important as the belly grows and it may also be needed for other parts of the body like the hips, knees and back, which are also affected during pregnancy. 

Design: We looked at how practical the design of the pregnancy pillows were for the specific support pregnant people need and for everyday use.  

Factors to consider when shopping for a pregnancy pillow

  • Consider your budget for a pregnancy pillow, because they can be pricey. This may also vary depending on if you’re buying a full-body pillow or a wedge pillow. 
  • Your pregnancy needs are the most important factor that should determine the type of pillow that works for you. Decide if you want belly, back, hip or full body support.
  • If you share a bed with a partner, determine how big of a pillow you can fit on the bed without taking up the whole space.

Best pregnancy pillows compared

What makes a pregnancy pillow different from a regular pillow?

There are U-shaped, C-shaped, L-shaped, wedge and inflatable pillows.

Can you use a pregnancy pillow postpartum?

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