Best Foldable Phones in 2023: Samsung Galaxy Z Fold, Z Flip, Moto Razr, Pixel Fold – CNET

$1,209 at Amazon

The phone in half flip Oppo Find N2 Flip.

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 3

Samsung’s smaller foldable, now cheaper

Foldable phones have been with us for years now, and though I’ve found them disappointing at times, their clever bendable displays offer a futuristic experience that stands out from regular phones. The market for folding phones is dominated by Samsung, with its Galaxy Z Fold 4 and Z Flip 4 offering different folding forms to tempt you to part with your cash. But Samsung isn’t the only company in the game.

Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 4 standing on end Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 4 standing on end

James Martin/CNET

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The Galaxy Z Flip 4’s hinge allows it to stay at various angles. When it’s close to perpendicular it can activate Flex Mode for the software.

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With a candy bar form that folds down on itself to become a smaller square, the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 offers a much more compact footprint than the Z Fold 4. It makes it easier to slide into a tight pocket when not in use, but it still folds out to offer a sizeable 6.7-inch display when you need it.

razr razr

Motorola Razr (2022)

Fresh update to a solid foldable

We reviewed the previous Motorola Razr phone back in 2020 and we liked its slick design and folding mechanism. The phone was given a fresh update in 2022 with updated internals, a fresh camera system and a bigger display.

The phone in half flip Oppo Find N2 Flip. The phone in half flip Oppo Find N2 Flip.

Sareena Dayaram/CNET

Samsung’s Galaxy Z Flip 3 isn’t the most recent version, but the arrival of the Z Flip 4 meant a discount on the existing Z Flip 3. Starting at $600, the Flip 3 slices a hefty chunk off its original $900 asking price. This 2021 model packs features such as 5G connectivity, a potent processor and an aluminum chassis that feels sturdy.

motorola-razr motorola-razr

While the 2020 Moto Razr 5G might have been replaced with a fresh 2022 model (see above), the existing model has had its price slashed to all-time-low levels. You can pick it up directly from Motorola for only $600, which is a huge saving over its original $1,400 asking price and makes it the cheapest foldable phone you can buy right now.

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