The 14 Best Horror Movies on Max – CNET

In the mood to watch a scary movie? Max changes up its selection of spooky films often. From the top of this month, you can stream classics like Carrie (1976), The Exorcist (1973) and Friday the 13th (1980), in addition to existing offerings like The Silence of the Lambs (1991) and Evil Dead Rise (2023).

Here are 14 excellent horror movies you should make time for on Max. All these films received generally favorable reviews or better, according to Metacritic. If you’re wondering what Max is all about, here’s more on the streaming service, which unites the HBO Max and Discovery Plus libraries. 

The Exorcist (1973)

Now that Universal is working on not one, but three brand new Exorcist movies, it’s time to jog your memory about the terrifying events of the original. Ellen Burstyn stars as a mother to a possessed 12-year-old daughter who enlists the help of a priest. The thoroughly scary flick also won an Oscar for best adapted screenplay.

The Descent (2005)

In this British horror film from 2005, six young women go spelunking and rub up against terrifying humanoid cave dwellers. It’s a race to evade the dark before becoming creature food. If you need another reason to descend, the flick’s high user score on Metacritic suggests you’ll be glad you went on this chilling expedition. 


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Sissy Spacek stars as the eponymous Carrie.

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Carrie (1976)

You have to watch Sissy Spacek’s Oscar-nominated portrayal of the prom queen at least once in your life. Why not now?

Hereditary (2018)

This is one you shouldn’t watch alone. Ari Aster’s feature directorial debut about what a family uncovers after the death of its matriarch may be the scariest entry on this list. If you’re up for a disturbing flick with great performances, venture cautiously into Hereditary. 

Warner Bros It movie Warner Bros It movie
Warner Bros.

The Menu (2022)

Anya Taylor-Joy shines in this horror satire about an elaborate dinner with a dark twist. It presents an assortment of guests gathering at Hawthorne, an exclusive restaurant on an island. Renowned chef Julian Slowik, played by a magnetic Ralph Fiennes, has planned every detail of the evening except for the inclusion of Taylor-Joy’s Margot. Dishing out thrills and social commentary, The Menu will have you pleading for seconds. 

Evil Dead Rise (2023)

A family accidentally unearths some unimaginable evils in this gory supernatural horror story. It’s the fifth entry in the film franchise after The Evil Dead, Evil Dead II, Army of Darkness and 2013’s Evil Dead.

Barbarian (2022)

A young woman travels to Detroit for a job interview and discovers her Airbnb has been double-booked. That may be how this engrossing horror film starts, but it soon descends into complete chaos. With twists in the story and superb acting all around, Barbarian is freaky, five-star horror fare. 

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Video screenshot by Bonnie Burton/CNET

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