How Owning a Passive Home Could Wipe Out Your Energy Bill – CNET

In light of intensifying natural disasters, higher energy bills and interrupted power service, many people are searching for ways to make their homes stronger and less reliant on the power grid. 

“Things like ‘passive house’ have become more popular because they’re at the pinnacle of an energy-efficiency push,” says Austin Trautman, the founder of Vali Homes, a development company and sustainability consultancy. 

A passive house is one that’s certified to meet strict energy-efficiency standards. These structures use significantly less energy than standard builds while improving resiliency, comfort and indoor air quality. 

Here’s a look at how passive homes work. 

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What are passive homes?

“Passive house” is a high-performance construction standard that targets sustainability. Buildings that are certified as passive houses can maintain their interior climate and temperature without an active heating or cooling system. 

To optimize energy efficiency, comfort and air quality, passive homes “use more insulation, better membranes and fewer thermal bridges,” says Oliver David Krieg, the chief technology officer at Intelligent City. “It can look and feel like any other home,” with a few key differences, like thicker walls.

The result is a building that uses 90% less energy, which translates to cost savings and a smaller carbon footprint.

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