How Your Smart Meter Helps Your Solar Panels Communicate With the Grid – CNET

Electric meters are silent workhorses of the energy grid, the last bit of public infrastructure electricity passes through before entering our homes. 

Like most people, if you’ve looked at your energy bill, you’ve likely noticed how much you owe and how much energy you’ve used. That’s where your smart meter comes in. 

Electric meters measure the amount of electricity you consume. Over the last decade or so, most of them have been switched over to newer, smarter versions. So-called smart meters come with a few other capabilities, too, like remotely communicating with your utility or measuring the energy you send back to the grid. As of 2022, nearly 90% of residential electric meters are some type of smart meter.

The march of smart electric meters is sure to continue. Whether you already have one or you’re in the minority of those still uninitiated, here’s what you need to know.

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What is a smart meter?

An electricity meter measures and records energy consumption. A traditional meter requires a person to physically collect the data so that utility companies know how much energy you’ve used and how to bill you. It’s a manual process susceptible to human error.

A smart meter also records and measures energy consumption but uses digital technology to send energy consumption information to utility companies at regular intervals, eliminating the need for a human meter reader.

“A smart meter is something that’s installed in lieu of a traditional meter, and the difference is that it’s digital,” said Lily Valdez, CEO of Sunlily Energy, a solar installation company headquartered in California.

Solar panels home

An electric meter with solar panels mounted in the background. An electric meter with solar panels mounted in the background.

An electric meter is a key component of a functioning solar system.

jonathansloane/Getty Images

Take the example of a house with solar panels sitting empty for a few days while the owners are away on vacation, Valdez said. The electricity from the solar panels would flow back to the grid through a smart meter, which would track the amount of generated electricity that would need to be credited to your bill. Depending on your arrangement, you might get credited at a lower price than you pay.

Smart meters aren’t only useful for solar net metering. Sending electricity back to the grid from a stand alone battery that’s part of a virtual power plant or used for rate arbitrage would also require a two-way smart meter. Two-way meters are already common. They make up nearly 75% of all residential electric meters in the United States.

Net metering has evolved since its conception. Less and less often is energy you export to the grid worth the same as what you buy from it. In these cases, the meter isn’t literally (or figuratively) spinning one way and then the other. It’s instead tracking how much you buy and how much you send back and you’re compensated at a lower rate for what you export than what you buy.

Why are utilities installing smart meters?

One advantage of a smart meter is that it allows utility companies to know what’s happening in real time, including alerting them of power outages. This allows utility companies to dispatch crews and know when power is restored without needing communication from a human. They can help speed up the restoration process.

In addition to eliminating the need for meter reading visits, utilities can turn service on and off remotely via smart meters.

What is the cost of a smart meter?

A smart meter doesn’t directly cost anything extra to consumers since they’re being installed by utility companies as a matter of course.

If a smart meter is installed where you reside, there’s no need to panic. Ultimately, you shouldn’t experience any disruption or change in your service.

Pros and cons of smart meters

“The pros are obviously that you’re able to go solar with it (and) that it’s more accurate than an analog old version,” said Valdez. Unless you count its role in the creation of your energy bill, there’s little downside to an upgraded smart meter.


  • More accurate and real-time tracking and reporting of energy use
  • Facilitates net metering and other solar compensation schemes
  • Real-time outage information could mean quicker response and restoration
  • Consumers can act on greater insight into their energy use


Frequently asked questions

What is a smart meter?

What are the downsides of a smart meter?

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