Pink Eye During Flu Season: Effective Prevention, Treatment Tips and More – CNET

Your eyes are the window to your wellness. They can reveal things like your blood pressure, nutritional intake, risk of stroke and age-related vision issues. So when it comes to a bout of illness you come down with this winter, the general-health-to-eye pipeline may be no different.  

Viruses that cause the common cold, the flu and COVID-19 can manifest in conjunctivitis, the medical term for pink eye. In addition to giving your eyes a pinkish or reddish hue (not what most people are going for), it can cause other symptoms like irritation, itchiness and discharge. While it’s made its rounds as one of the more sneaky symptoms of COVID-19, the idea of a virus causing eye irritation is nothing new, according to Dr. Jennifer Tsai, an optometrist practicing in New York City. 

“When you have a viral infection, that can lead to eye-related symptoms, especially if you touch the eye or you’re around someone that has it and they’re coughing or sneezing,” Tsai explained. This means pink eye can spread from your own mucus membranes that are currently under attack from a virus or through exposure to someone else with a respiratory infection.

Here are the types of eye infection to look out for this flu season, what to do for home relief and when to see a doctor.

A few brushes and fake eyelashes against a beige background A few brushes and fake eyelashes against a beige background

It’s a good idea to avoid eye makeup and contact lenses while you have pink eye. 

Lana Kunitsa/Getty Images

How to treat (and avoid spreading) pink eye 

Most cases of viral pink eye are “self limiting,” Tsai said, which means they’ll probably resolve on their own within two weeks. But if you have bacterial infection, you’ll likely be prescribed antibiotic eye drops to help kill the bacteria that’s causing your symptoms. 

Tsai said that no matter the cause or severity of your pink eye, it’s a good idea to see an eye doctor just in case. If you have symptoms that affect or blur your vision, cause eye pain, light sensitivity or a feeling that something is stuck in your eye, get seen as soon as possible

Because most pink eye cases caused by a virus will resolve at home, managing pink eye will be based on easing your itchy or irritating symptoms. Here are some tips from Tsai: 

  • For comfort, apply a cold compress to the eye. Anything soft and cold will do, but there are also eye masks like these made for cooling.  
  • Use artificial tears to soothe your eyes.  
  • Use allergy drops for itchy eyes. A third culprit of pink eye, besides viral or bacterial infection, is allergies. Antihistamines found in allergy eye drops can help with this irritation.

In acknowledgement of the eye drop recalls and safety concerns surrounding some brands of artificial tears, Tsai said to continue to avoiding drops that don’t meet safety standards. She also advises people avoid Visine and Clear Eyes drops, because they contain ingredients that can constrict blood vessels in your eyes. For eye drop recommendations based on specific needs, you can read this CNET list of eye drops

To avoid spreading pink eye, follow these tips from the American Optometric Association and the American Academy of Ophthalmology:

  • Don’t reuse towels after you wash your face 
  • Try not to touch your eyes; wash your hands right away if you do 
  • Don’t use makeup while you have an eye infection
  • Don’t wear contact lenses while you have an infection 

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