I Rarely Make a Mess When I Cook (and I’m Kind of Smug About It). Here’s What I Do – CNET

Cooking is fun. Cleaning up after? Not so much. But unless you have a live-in housekeeper or extremely well-trained children, you’re probably shouldering the lion’s share of that chore. As someone who loves to cook — I’ve tested more than 75 meal kits in the last couple of years — but loathes the cleanup part, I’ve adopted habits that help minimize the inevitable kitchen mess as I move through a recipe. When added together, a series of small practices and minor adjustments make for a much more pleasant post-dinner experience.

My penchant for cleaning while cooking is a source of pride; a set of skills I brandish to the benefit of myself and anyone who offers to clean up after I’ve cooked. In that spirit, I’ve distilled them all into a checklist of the best tips and tricks for keeping your kitchen clean while cooking. 

Designate a garbage bowl 

Splatter Döm on stove with steak inside Splatter Döm on stove with steak inside

The Splatter Dom’s open top allows you to manage the food inside without removing the guard from the pan and risking a grease-showered stove.

David Watsky/CNET

The best way to clean a mess in the kitchen is to prevent it from happening in the first place. One of the biggest sources of a dirty post-cooking kitchen is when grease pops and splatters across that pristine stovetop. A splatter guard will lessen the damage by keeping cooking oil and food in the pan. I recommend the sturdy silicone Splatter Dom (read our full Splatter Dom review) because it sits on the rim of the pan and allows you to keep both of your hands free for cooking. It’s also adjustable to fit two pan sizes and has a removable lid. 

Clean as you go 

piece of foil on top of strove piece of foil on top of strove

A fresh foil boat ready for floor-protecting duty.

Alina Bradford/CNET

The miniscule space in between the stove and the counter is truly the devil’s playground. Cleaning crumbs and other bits of food from that crevice is nearly impossible without moving the stove, so your best bet is to prevent them from falling down there in the first place. A small piece of aluminum foil will keep that cursed space free from future mouse food

Soak pots and pans (almost) immediately and use dish spray, not liquid soap 

Milo Classic dutch oven on stove with person cooking Milo Classic dutch oven on stove with person cooking

Use a nonstick or enameled Dutch oven for a cleaner kitchen.


Some pieces of cookware are superior for cooking without making a mess, and an enameled Dutch oven is up there. For one, most Dutch ovens have high walls and a lid so you’re less likely to have grease, liquid and food splatter. Quality Dutch ovens also have a very naturally nonstick enamel coating that rarely needs scrubbing. 

While enameled cast iron isn’t quite as non-stick as Teflon-coated cookware, it’s pretty darn close. Unlike stainless steel or nonenameled cast iron, even seemingly stuck-on food lifts fairly easily from this versatile cookware material. At worst, a short soak with soap and water almost always does the trick.

These are the best Dutch ovens for 2023, from pricey French heirloom pots to more budget-friendly models.

Load the dishwasher properly 

grilled veggies on top of mat on grill grilled veggies on top of mat on grill

Grill mats will save you from having to do a bleak rescue mission later.


Seasoned grillers know the agony and the ecstasy that comes with firing up the Traeger or Weber at mealtime. While grilling outside keeps the mess far from your kitchen, flaky fish and vegetables often fall through the grates to the fire below creating a burnt mess that’s not for the faint of heart. Fire-safe grill mats for those fall-apart foods is an easy fix for a cleaner grill. And here’s how to properly clean your grill before and after each season. 

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