How to Stop Porch Pirates: 7 Best Ways to Keep Packages From Being Stolen – CNET

The Grinch may be a work of fiction, but real-life copycats exist, plotting to steal your packages and pilfer your holiday cheer. In the age of Amazon and ubiquitous delivery of everything from holiday gifts to groceries, porch pirates and home burglary have become a steadily increasing problem. 

In 2022, a staggering 79% of Americans had packages stolen by porch pirates. Nationwide, porch pirates jacked more than 260 million packages in that same year, amounting to more than $19 million in stolen goods. 

To help you protect your incoming deliveries and holiday swag, we’ve compiled a guide with seven ways to protect your packages and prevent theft by porch pirates. For extra home security, you can also check out six places every home should have security cameras and the best cheap home security systems for 2023.

1. Take advantage of package tracking

Every major delivery company and the US Postal Service now gives updates on when a given package will arrive. In most cases, you can track its progress and see when it’s been placed on the truck for delivery. Finally, the tracking will be updated when your package has been delivered.

The simplest way to avoid porch pirates is to use this tracking information to quickly retrieve your package once it’s delivered. If you’re not able to be home during the delivery, you can also have someone else keeping an eye on your doorstep that day. Limiting the time between delivery and retrieval is a simple, straightforward way to avoid porch piracy.

2. Install a video doorbell

Video doorbells are becoming an increasingly popular way of protecting homes. Brands like Ring, Arlo and Nest sell doorbells that double as home security cameras. When someone rings the doorbell, you can see a live video feed and hear what your visitor is saying. And the camera allows for two-way audio, meaning you can talk to whoever is on your porch.

Having a doorbell security camera can benefit you in a few ways. First, burglars and thieves tend to be discouraged by security alarms. Someone thinking of stealing your package might see the security camera and think again.

a porch lock box for your packages a porch lock box for your packages

Lockboxes for your front porch are another option, though they’ll likely cost you a few hundred bucks.

Molly Price/CNET

When you order an item online, you’ll give instructions for the delivery driver to open your porch lockbox. Some have a slot for drivers to drop small items into but require a key to open. Others require a code that you can provide for the delivery driver.

This type of lockbox isn’t necessarily the most affordable option: High-quality lockboxes can easily cost hundreds of dollars. But if you often receive valuable packages or live in an area known for package theft, it might be worth it.

5. Require signature on delivery

In most cases, delivery drivers simply leave packages on porches or at front doors. But that’s not the only option. Most companies also give the option to require a signature on delivery. In that case, the driver can’t leave the package unless you’re there to sign.

This strategy can be inconvenient if you’re not often home during the day, and a few missed deliveries can lead to packages being returned to the sender. But for a valuable package, it might be worth waiting to ensure it’s not sitting unattended on your porch.

6. Purchase a mailbox sensor

A mailbox sensor is a small device that attaches to your mailbox and notifies you when it’s been opened. You can find out when your mail is delivered, as well as if someone is opening your mailbox that shouldn’t be.

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