Don’t Let Burglars Ruin Your Holidays: 10 Home Security Tips to Stop Break-Ins – CNET

The winter holiday season is a time of goodwill, presents and family gatherings, and a big opportunity for criminals. Reports of robbery and property theft generally increased by about 20% in December, according to the National Crime Victimization Survey.

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Close up of a door with an August Wi-Fi smart lock. Close up of a door with an August Wi-Fi smart lock.

Smart locks work by pairing with your phone so you can enter without a key in hand.

Molly Price/CNET

3. Buy a home security system

Installing a home security system is one of the most effective ways to prevent intruders from entering and to alert you if there’s been a break-in. Data shows that a home without a security system is roughly three times more likely to be broken into. If an intruder spots a security camera or a sign indicating you have a security system, they’re more likely to keep moving.

The Blink Wired Floodlight Camera from Amazon, mounted on a home's exterior at night. The Blink Wired Floodlight Camera from Amazon, mounted on a home's exterior at night.

Outdoor lights and floodlights can deter would-be burglars from targeting your home. 


6. Lock your garage

People put a lot of effort into securing their homes but often forget entirely about their garages. Unfortunately, that can be an easy way to gain entrance into your home. First, be sure any regular doors and windows in your garage are locked. Next, consider keeping your garage door opener in the house rather than in your car where someone could steal it. Finally, you should also keep the interior door from your garage to your home locked. That way, if someone does gain entry into your garage, they still can’t get into your home. 

As with door locks, buying a retrofit smart garage door opener is an option. These devices allow you to check the status of your garage while you’re away, control it remotely and schedule it to shut at certain times.

7. Be smart about your hide-a-key

If you have a house key under your doormat or flowerpot on the porch, rethink its placement. Intruders know these popular hiding places for spare keys, and those are the first places they’ll look. Instead, consider giving the extra key to a trusted neighbor or friend. If you must have a spare key outside your home, look for safer alternatives such as a concealed combination lockbox — or at least a discreet and unexpected location far from your doorway. A little extra caution and mindfulness can go a long way in keeping your home safe. 

packages sitting on a front porch in the snow packages sitting on a front porch in the snow

Don’t let your deliveries get stolen by porch pirates.

Getty Images

10. Deter theft on your front porch 

It’s also important to remember home security extends to your front porch and that means protecting your delivered packages from porch piratesBillions of packages are delivered every year in the US alone (especially during the holiday season) and many of those delivered packages sit unattended for hours, attracting thieves. One recent study found that 43% of respondents reported having a package stolen in 2020, which is up from 36% in 2019. 

With porch piracy on the rise, there are several methods to keeping your items safe, such as investing in a porch lockbox or a mailbox sensor, a small device that attaches to your mailbox and notifies you when it’s opened. You could also require a signature upon delivery to prevent your packages from sitting unattended until you get home. 

The bottom line

No one wants to become the victim of a home invasion. Implementing the tips on this checklist will help discourage and prevent burglars, and keep your family and belongings safe. You can start small and pick just a couple of things on this list to focus on. Once you have those down, you can move on to other items on the checklist. Each small improvement you make will contribute to your home and loved ones being that much more secure.

For more on home security, check out how to keep your security cameras from being hacked and read up on using an old smartphone as a security camera. Plus, read about the most ideal locations for your home security cameras. 

More home security recommendations 

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