Lenovo ThinkBook Plus Gen 5 Hybrid Can Switch Between Android and Windows video – CNET

Speaker 1: This is the Lenovo Think book plus Gen five hybrid. And at first glance, it kind of looks like any other Windows laptop, but where it really stands out is that when you detach it, it transforms into an Android tablet. The tablet actually functions as its own standalone product. So this has a Qualcomm processor inside, so it’s not relying on the base for power or anything like that. So you [00:00:30] can literally just use this as an Android tablet when you don’t want to have a full laptop with you. And then this base also is its own kind of Windows computer in and of itself. So as you can see, this is attached to an external monitor, and it’s actually running Windows. So there’s an Intel chip inside this base and a Qualcomm chip inside this tablet. This is what the Android interface looks like. It’s basic Android. Speaker 1: You have all of your apps here. You have the Play Store right here, [00:01:00] and then when I connect it back to the base again, you’re running on Windows. So this will be launching in Q2 for $2,000. We don’t have much more information than that, but overall, I think this is really interesting because it’s rare to see something like this that actually serves as a tablet and a laptop in one. And yes, we’ve had hybrids and detachable laptops for about a decade now. Maybe a little more than that, but where this really [00:01:30] shines is that it feels like it’s not compromising on the mobile or the laptop experience. Of course, we won’t know that for sure until we actually test it, but since it runs full Android and full windows, this really kind of seems like a rare combination. Check out CNET for more laptop coverage and for more coverage of CES.

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