Watch This Magic Mirror Analyze Your Health video – CNET

Speaker 1: We’re here at CES checking out some of the coolest new wellness technology. I’m here with Lindsay from Neurologic. We’re going to check out the enagic mirror. Lindsay, I think we’re ready to go. What this magic mirror is going to do is it is going to scan my face for a period of about 30 seconds. It’s actually going to scan the blood flow patterns in my face, and then from there it’s going to make a health assessment based on the changes in my blood flow patterns. So let’s check [00:00:30] it out in action. Alright, so Lindsay, I think I’m going to get uncomfortably close to this. Super Speaker 2: Close. Super close. And then it’s going to start the scan. There we go. There we go. So you can sit back and relax and [00:01:00] it’s all cloud-based, so it’s sending your facial scan up to the cloud and analyzing the data. So within a second here, we’ll have your full picture. Speaker 1: Fantastic. Look at how quick that was. Speaker 2: So yeah, so your blood pressure is picking up one 19 over 88. We calculate everything from mental stress, facial skin aids, we even do your risk of cardiovascular disease, risk of stroke. So for yourself, you’re very, very low. Zero. Speaker 1: What did the green, yellow and red zones indicate specifically? [00:01:30] I mean, I’m assuming it’s like green is good, red is bad at any other specifics. Speaker 2: Green, above average, yellow average. And if you’re in the red zone, it indicates there might be a risk, but you should see your doctor. So here we’re seeing if you had high cholesterol, high blood sugars, you’d be in the red zone here and we’re picking up your risk of hba A1C risk of flashing blood glucose. And it’s important to note too, this is that we’re not getting your diagnosis. It’s intended to be an assessment tool, Speaker 1: [00:02:00] Right? Really like a feedback tool. Speaker 2: Yes, exactly. Yes. Speaker 1: So what are some of the ways that people can use or leverage some of this health? Speaker 2: So the nice thing about this is you can have this hospital waiting room, pharmacy, community kiosk, and it really allows people to get a picture of their health without having to potentially make an appointment, drive somewhere. It’s especially good in regions where there’s a shortage of doctors. It’s a big health equity play as well. Speaker 1: That’s such a great point in terms of health equity and things like that. And I also think for [00:02:30] me, just knowing, just seeing that information and that data every once in a while, it almost creates a little bit of a motivational boost. I know that I get that with a wearable device and things like that when I just see, whoa, this is actually how many steps I walk today, or just that awareness, that’s so often such a big piece. So that’s the EUR Magic Mirror in action. Would you let a mirror stand your face and the blood flow in your face in order to tell you how healthy you are? Let us know.

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