AI Fortune Teller Told Me My Future at a CES Amusement Park video – CNET

Speaker 1: I’ve been covering CES for many years and you never know what you’re going to see at the show floor, including something like this. I am at the booth where ssk, it is a South Korean tech company that has transformed their entire presentation here today into an amusement park, including one that has a miniature version of the Las Vegas spear. They’re rotating all sorts of images here to inspire happiness because we’re seeing the tech that is more sustainable for planet Earth, and AI is woven through every little presentation here, including rides. [00:00:30] This booth has rises, it has games. Let’s go for a ride and learn all about it. S Skate works on hydrogen powered transportation solutions like fuel cells and hydrogen powered charging stations. And we’re about to ride a hydrogen powered train here on the show floor, a choo, if you Speaker 2: Will. Speaker 1: You got to buckle up Speaker 2: [00:01:00] A train station. Oh, here we go. Speaker 1: There’s rails above us, Speaker 2: Carbon capture utilization and storage technology. Tomorrow we’ll be hired Speaker 1: [00:01:30] All onto the next. Speaker 1: There’s even a magic carpet ride they have. This is SSK demonstrating that its telecom subsidiary has AI in it to be able to do real-time assessment of various things like traffic control, assessment, safety assessments, and yeah, it’s taking flight throughout the whole show, but it’s in such high demand that the waiting [00:02:00] list is already into the days ahead. So I will not be departing on this flight today. But yeah, not often you see a flying machine actually flying, so to speak. At CES, we’re about to get a demo of SK battery technology and how it changes the game for cars with how they could be recharged in less than 20 minutes or made with copper foil. Lots of different ways. It’s smarts are just more efficient. [00:02:30] Now we’re at Sweet Island at the rainbow tubes and immediate SK did an did enough. They also work on recycling technologies. They have built a massive recycling facility that recycles all different kinds of plastics and even turn them [00:03:00] into Speaker 2: Fuel. So Speaker 1: Here we have different tubes representing different plastics and any good amusement park, there are games to play. So let’s see what happens and what kind of ball they might get. Feeling lucky now maybe. Speaker 2: How are you? Speaker 1: I got a reusable bag. You see there’s a sustainability message here. [00:03:30] This is the AI fortune teller machine Speaker 2: To kind of Speaker 1: Be a way to showcase their are semiconductors that are so powerful and fast that yes, you can have AI get your proportion right Speaker 2: Really quickly. Speaker 1: So here’s an example of their semiconductors that you’re kind of talking about is having really powerful ways of getting information. More memory is memory. The power of ai, the high bandwidth memory trip is currently out on the market [00:04:00] and they’re just leveling it up as it goes. I don’t know if you can pick that up at home, but it has a bit of a 3D effect without glasses. I can tell your fortune by reading your emotions ready to fight or new your fortune. Then let’s start. All right, let’s get my fortune right. Oh, I need to consent for my photo to be used. Speaker 2: [00:04:30] Feeling, feel like that? Speaker 1: Alright, I’ll take it. Speaker 2: Yes. Speaker 1: So you’ll be able to get a printout of your tarot card Speaker 2: And Speaker 1: The hold. Speaker 2: It’s so cool. Speaker 1: I got my tarot card. The high priestess. You are racing toward the future busier than anyone else at a show like [00:05:00] this. I’d say that’s true. It’s okay. Even if you have a series of uneven days as a wise person, oh, that ai, I just know so much, Speaker 2: Much Speaker 1: You will grow to another level with the experience of the new year. I’m liking this booth the most already. I learned a lot about SSK today that I didn’t know before. So from C nine, I’m Bridget Carey, the high priestess signing off.

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