I Got to Taste Smart-Brewed Beer at CES… Before the Cops Shut It Down – CNET

At CES 2024, I expected to see a host of new automated and AI-assisted kitchen technologies, and the show didn’t disappoint — an AI steak toaster, an indoor meat smoker and a new type of microwave were only a few of the cutting-edge cooking products on display.

What I didn’t expect, however, was furtively chugging a small beer before a home-brewing demo was shut down by police. And yet, there I was, sneaking a tiny sip (or two) of brew poured fresh from the tap at iGulu’s F1 smart beer automated home brew appliance on the Las Vegas show floor before the convention cops stopped service — apparently iGulu may not have locked down that beer license. 

screen on beer brewer. screen on beer brewer.

The iGulu keeps you updated on the status of your current brew.

David Watsky/CNET

I asked iGulu marketing manager Joseph Truex how it plans to succeed where PicoBrew failed. He told me that people like the idea of making beer at home, but PicoBrew’s machines required a few too many steps and a bit too much brewing know-how for the average sud-sipper.

In contrast, iGulu requires you only to add water in the top and scan a barcode to let the machine know which type you’re making. iGulu pings your device exactly when it’s time to add each ingredient, which comes prepackaged and ready to go. 

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