Best Apple TV Remote Cases for Less Than $10 – CNET

Elago R1 Intelli case (with magnets!)

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See at Amazon


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Mumba shock-resistant case (Update: Currently out of stock)

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While the remote for the Apple TV is sleek, responsive and pretty, the buttons can be hard to distinguish sometimes. This small remote can be difficult to handle and keep track of, too. However, with a good Apple TV remote case, you can fix all of that and add a little character to your remote in the process. The best part is they aren’t very expensive.

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There are plenty of cheap case options for the Apple TV (fourth-gen) remote.

” image-credit=”Sarah Tew/CNET” image-alt-text=”closeup of Apple TV remote with a collection of cases for it in the background” image-filename=”apple-tv-remote-covers-group.jpg” image-width=”3000″ image-height=”1688″ image-date-created=”2019-04-29″ image-do-not-crop=”true” image-watermark=”true” ng-block=”{"id":"x5ecx6h5noklwjj","type":"image"}” edition=”us” data-keep class=”c-shortcodeImage u-clearfix c-shortcodeImage-large c-shortcodeImage-hasCaption”>

closeup of Apple TV remote with a collection of cases for it in the background closeup of Apple TV remote with a collection of cases for it in the background

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closeup of Apple TV remote with a collection of cases for it in the background closeup of Apple TV remote with a collection of cases for it in the background

There are plenty of cheap case options for the Apple TV (fourth-gen) remote.

Sarah Tew/CNET

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If you’re looking for some remote case bling, the NageBee Glitter Liquid fits the bill. Despite it being a tad garish, it’s one of my favorite Apple TV remote cases (and it got a thumbs-up from my daughters). As its name implies, the glitter flows freely in liquid on the back of the remote case. The remote cover also features rhinestones on the sides for a better grip. It’s available in a few different color options for $10.

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