Popular AeroPress Coffee Makers Are Available From Just $30 Right Now – CNET

Getting your coffee fix doesn’t have to mean spending a small fortune at your local coffee shop or kitting yourself out with a big and complicated machine. Sometimes the best solutions are the simplest, especially if you also want to be able to take your coffee setup with you on the go. The AeroPress has long been the go-to option, and now is your chance to pick one up with a discount as well. Woot is currently offering a choice of three different models with price starting at just $30, but you only have until the end of the month before these prices come to an end. We don’t know how many of these coffee makers Woot has on hand, so stocks could dwindle before then, too.

The AeroPress coffee press has something of a cult following thanks to its simplicity, ease of use and portability. All you really need to do is add water, ground beans and a cup and you can have the perfect coffee anywhere. It’s a single-serve coffee maker that works by pressing water through coffee grounds into your cup. Not only does this make the AeroPress faster than a French press when you’re in a rush, but it also doesn’t have the same bitterness. You’ll want to make sure your coffee grinds are on the finer side, but it can brew one to three cups of coffee in about 1 minute, and it’s so compact, you can take it anywhere, which makes it a great option for camping, travel or carrying with you to the office. 

It also produces a strong, espresso-like shot that is fine to drink on its own, or with a dash of water or milk, you can quickly make your own Americano or latte at home. You can make cold brew, too. And with the microfilter, your coffee won’t be filled with grit. Your purchase also includes a set of filters, a filter cap, a scoop and stirrer, so you’ll have everything you need to be your own barista. The XL model also includes a carafe.

If this style doesn’t quite work for you, we’ve got plenty of other coffee maker deals worth checking out. 

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