The Best Apple Cider Vinegar Drinks to Get Your Daily Fix – CNET

Remedy Apple Cider Vinegar Sparkling Water

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Poppi Prebiotic ACV Sodas

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Apple cider vinegar is known to have a wealth of health benefits from improved gut function to blood sugar regulation and plenty more in between. ACV advocates say that just one shot per day can balance important bodily systems, but not everyone has the stomach for pure vinegar in the morning. Apple cider vinegar can be harsh when consumed straight, but there are tasty ACV-based drinks to make stomaching the superfood far more palatable. I’ve tested several to find the best apple cider vinegar drinks to buy.

I tried six in total, including an ACV sparkling water, a few ACV and fruit juice blends along with flavored, premixed vinegar shots. Below you’ll find the best sippers and shooters for getting your daily fix of apple cider vinegar without offending your teeth or tastebuds.

Read more: The ABCs of Apple Cider Vinegar: Benefits, Precautions and Proper Dosage

Best apple cider vinegar drinks

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Braggs refreshers contain apple cider vinegar along with juice, lemon and other natural ingredients to create a refreshing beverage anchored by healthy apple cider vinegar. The beverages come in four flavors, but I liked the lemon ginger refresher best. The 40-calorie refreshers taste a lot like kombucha and are best consumed cold or poured over ice.

From Bragg’s website, Refreshers cost about $5 or $6 each, but you can bag a four-pack for $12.40 on

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Braggs refreshers contain apple cider vinegar along with juice, lemon and other natural ingredients to create a refreshing beverage anchored by healthy apple cider vinegar. The beverages come in four flavors, but I liked the lemon ginger refresher best. The 40-calorie refreshers taste a lot like kombucha and are best consumed cold or poured over ice.

From Bragg’s website, Refreshers cost about $5 or $6 each, but you can bag a four-pack for $12.40 on