Apple Pauses Online Sales of Its Products in Russia

Apple Pauses Online Sales of Its Products in Russia

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Apple has halted sales of its products in Russia through its online store due to the ongoing conflict with Ukraine. Additionally, the company stopped all exports into its sales channels in the country last week and limited Apple Pay and other services. In Apple Maps, both traffic and live incidents have been disabled as a safety measure for Ukrainian citizens. Google was the first to disable live traffic and incident reporting in Ukraine in Maps.

All Apple products on its online store as currently listed as unavailable. Lastly, the Russian state media apps RT News and Sputnik News are no longer available for download in regions outside of Russia. The company only continues to provide App Store access to its existing customers in Russia, which the Ukrainian vice prime minister requested the company to revoke access to last week.

In an internal letter to its employees, Tim Cook also said that Apple is donating to humanitarian relief efforts and will match donations 2:1 made to eligible organizations. The company is in constant touch with its employees in Ukraine and helping their families in any way possible.

I wanted to take a moment to address the ongoing crisis in Ukraine.

I know I speak for everyone at Apple in expressing our concern for all of those affected by the violence. With each new image of families fleeing their homes and brave citizens fighting for their lives, we see how important it is for people around the world to come together to advance the cause of peace.

Apple is donating to humanitarian relief efforts and providing aid for the unfolding refugee crisis. We are also working with partners to assess what more we can do. I know that many of you are eager to find ways to support as well, and we want to help amplify the impact of your donations. Starting today, Apple will match your donations at a rate of 2:1 for eligible organizations, and we will make this retroactive for donations to those organizations since February 25. Please visit the Employee Giving Portal to learn more.

It is unclear if Apple will pull the plug on the App Store in Russia or not, though the lack of Apple Pay has already become a source of frustration for Russian citizens.

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