

Owning and driving your dream car is often seen as an incredible experience, but things can take a less ideal turn if you happen to be an online celebrity sitting behind the wheel of a Porsche Carrera GT. This sentiment is strongly implied in a series of videos shared on Instagram, where the famed supercar is seen attempting to outrun two persistent drivers who seem to be unhealthily fixated on it.

The Porsche Carrera GT featured in the video is owned by YouTuber Doug DeMuro, who acquired it earlier this year after securing a $37 million investment in his Cars&Bids auction site. The footage shot by Instagram and TikTok user “@sdcarspottings” captures the silver Porsche frequently changing lanes in an attempt to evade pursuers – in this case, a BMW 3-Series and subsequently, a Tesla Model S.

Needless to say, weaving through congested traffic in such a manner is not the safest option. However, it appears that DeMuro was trying to distance himself from these persistent followers who seemed oblivious to his desire for privacy.

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The videos, which you can watch here (1), here (2) and here (3), were originally shared on Instagram by ‘sdcarspottings’ three weeks ago, but they only recently caught our attention after Road&Track noticed a comment made by DeMuro in one of the threads a couple of days ago.

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“This video is such a great example of what happens every single time I drive my sports cars – I get followed insanely closely by people (that BMW) who won’t leave me alone and want to race or ‘hang with’ a Carrera GT or Ford GT,” wrote DeMuro. “I try to get away from them, but they refuse to back off. It’s so dangerous and annoying!!!! The recording stopped but eventually I had to motion to the BMW to get away from me. Please DON’T DO THIS when you see exotic cars on the road. Get a couple of photos, take a long look, but don’t follow nine inches from the bumper for every single lane change and turn!!”

These remarks highlight the extent to which people can become bothersome in their pursuit of capturing a snapshot or video of prominent personalities. Attention-grabbing supercars only exacerbate the situation, as they are more likely to draw attention from both fans and detractors.

Nevertheless, it is crucial that we all demonstrate respect for each other’s privacy, regardless of whether one drives a Yugo or a Bugatti. While capturing pictures and videos of stunning cars is unlikely to cease, there are ways to create car-spotting content without being a complete tool.

GIF Sdcarspottings/Instagram