

Finding a sinkhole before anyone else is almost always a bad time. That was the case for one Volkswagen driver who thought he was simply driving through a puddle recently in Galveston, Texas. Crews are still working to fix the damage as an insurance company is trying to save the semi-submerged SUV.

John King, the driver of the Volkswagen says his immediate reaction was “this isn’t right.” He continued “I guess when the mud came in I said, ok, we’re really off course here… this could be bad.” Clearly, Mr. King is a very observant person. During a trip to the market, he thought he was driving through a puddle that ended up being deeper than he expected.

According to KHOU 11, he rolled down his window to ask a bystander what happened. “I think the road fell out from underneath you… call 911” was the response he received. Ironically, King himself works as a 911 dispatcher for a living.

Read: Sinkhole Suddenly Swallows Tesla Model Y Parked In Taiwan

According to authorities, a broken water main under the surface caused the sinkhole at the intersection of Avenue M and 22nd Street in Galveston. Photos and video of the situation look more photoshopped than real as the water level is calm and similar to the road level.

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“If you ever wanted to see an example of someone using every cuss word in the book in one long run-on sentence, that was yesterday,” King said.  It’s rare that such a behavior makes sense but driving one’s car into a sinkhole seems like perhaps it could cause such a response.

Crews are still in the process of fixing the broken water main and as such, the intersection is now closed to traffic. King says that his insurance company is working to get him back on solid ground in his VW. At least it didn’t end up completely swallowed and very much totaled like in this past incident with a Toyota RAV4.

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Screentshot KHOU 11/Youtube