

Tesla just released an all-new video of its autonomous driving software Full Self-Driving. The clip is just over five minutes in length and demonstrates much of what we’ve already seen from FSD. When what we see in the video goes from being impressive to commonplace is still up in the air though.

Elon Musk and Tesla have been working on Full Self-Driving for a long while now. A few months back, the CEO attempted to let it shine during a live stream on X (formerly Twitter) and it didn’t go so great. Now, the automaker has a new video that does a much better job of showing off what FSD can do.

In the five-minute and ten-second video, we see the car travel across Austin from residential streets into everyday traffic, onto the highway, into a downtown area, and then back into a residential neighborhood. At no point does the driver need to intervene and it appears as though the car drives quite safely throughout the sped-up film.

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While that’s all well and good, it’s a far cry from the illustrious goals that both Musk and Tesla have publicly set forth for the technology. For example, this is still a Level 2 system and as such it needs a human to always be ready to take over. In fact, it needs a person to regularly confirm their readiness by touching the wheel. Notably, that feature was turned off for this demo.

Tesla still has to make good on promises that it can use vision-based systems only and manage to be as safe or safer as those that use lidar, radar, or sonic sensors to avoid accidents. It also appears far from being able to enable the car to be its own robotaxi while an owner is away.

All of that being said, it’s still remarkable how skillful Full Self-Driving can be at times. Unlike other autonomous driving cars that do pilot themselves without human intervention, FSD isn’t geo-locked into specific locations. If Tesla ends up true to its word, it’ll also be one of the very first to be available to the general public. We’re not holding our breath though.