Circadian Rhythm: Here’s How to Reset and Get Better Sleep – CNET

Whenever you read about tips and tricks that will help you sleep better, you probably scroll through several articles suggesting blue-light-blocking glasses, sleep trackers, tech fasts and sleep
supplements. Have you ever wondered why? 

Well, it has to do with your internal clock. Specifically, these products attempt to help you regulate or optimize your circadian rhythm, which can result in a better night’s sleep.

Your circadian rhythm is the internal “clock” that helps your body function, adapt and, yes, — sleep. The two things that affect your circadian rhythm the most are environment and light, according to Dr. Craig Heller, professor of biology at Stanford University, where his research focuses on sleep and circadian rhythms. And while controlling your environment and light around you seems a bit difficult (read: impossible), there are definitely things you can do to reduce the risk that you are disrupting your circadian rhythm more than necessary.

Keep reading to learn more about your circadian clock, how it works and what you can do to optimize it so you will sleep better. 

Why a healthy circadian rhythm matters

For those who need a circadian rhythm definition, it’s your body’s internal clock that runs on a 24-hour cycle. This internal clock tells your body when you feel tired or awake throughout the day, and when you’re nearing bedtime. You’ve probably noticed you have a pattern of when you feel the most awake or energized, and when you usually want to hit the hay. 

The circadian rhythm is what drives that pattern, but not everyone has the same patterns. It’s also easily influenced by external factors, including common daily habits. 

Read more: The Best White Noise Machines for Better Sleep   

A man walking through an airport terminal. A man walking through an airport terminal.

Traveling across time zones can disrupt your body’s internal clock.

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Tips for travelers and night shift workers

Sometimes your job or lifestyle forces you to do things you know aren’t great for your sleep, but you want to make the best out of your situation regardless. Activities like working nights or traveling across time zones — especially when the time difference is more than a few hours — can really wreak havoc on your sleep. 

“Presumably, you can’t avoid travel across time zones or shift work, so you can learn the best ways to retrain rhythms by appropriate timing of light exposure and practice of good sleep hygiene,” Heller says. “Apart from circadian considerations, there are many other things to do to improve sleep, most effectively through thermoregulation to support the temperature fluctuations of the body to maintain sleep continuity.”

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