Unlock Unlimited Access to Rosetta Stone Language Courses for Life for Just $150 – CNET

Being fluent in a second (or third) language is a great skill for anyone to have. Whether you’re planning to travel internationally and want to hone the basics, are looking for ways to make your resume stand out or you’re just a lifelong learner with an interest in communication, there are plenty ways to learn online without spending a fortune. Right now you can get lifetime access to Rosetta Stone language learning software for just $150 at StackSocial when you use coupon code ROSETTA at checkout. This deal saves you a whopping $249 on the usual price and even undercuts Rosetta Stone’s current 50% off promotion

Rosetta Stone is our favorite language learning app for auditory learners and this membership gives you access to 25 different languages, from Spanish to Korean, allowing you to better communicate with locals on your travels and increase your comfort level in international settings. Even if you don’t plan on traveling far from home, improving your language skills has plenty of benefits. Whether you want to speak with international neighbors or enjoy movies and TV shows from other places, hobbyists can also take advantage of this deal. 

Every single lesson — no matter the language — is broken up into manageable chunks, both online and offline. You also have access to an immersive learning environment that will keep you interested throughout the course to keep your mind on perfecting your studies. Plus, you can even practice your accent using speech recognition technology.

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