Point Your Solar Panels in the Right Direction for the Most Power – CNET

Sunlight has to hit solar panels for those panels to turn energy into electricity. As simple as it sounds, that means the angle of your solar panels matters a lot.

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In most residential solar projects, the angle of panels will be determined by the pitch of a home’s roof.

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“If your home has a pitched roof, you typically want the panels to be flush to the roof,” said Tom McCalmont, CEO of Paired Power. “It’s usually not to any benefit to tilt.”

If you have the ability to customize the angle and direction of your solar panels, you could squeeze a bit more electricity out of them. Reputable solar companies should analyze and advise you on the best angle and direction for solar panels at your home.

Why does solar panel placement matter?

Photovoltaic solar panels work by absorbing sunlight to create electrical charges, which can be turned into electricity. This all starts with the panels collecting solar radiation. This comes primarily from the sun directly, but can also come from sunlight reflected from surrounding areas. 

Because the primary source of solar radiation will be direct sunlight, your solar panels’ orientation will affect how much energy they’ll make and when.

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Solar panel orientation vs. angle

Think of your panel’s orientation as the direction it’s facing in terms of north, south, east and west. The angle is how flat (lying on its back and facing straight up) or tilted your panel is. 

In the northern hemisphere, solar panels are generally going to be oriented so they’re facing south, which is the half of the sky where you’ll find the sun. If you’re in the southern hemisphere, you’ll want to point them towards the north.

Snow on a solar panel after some snow has apparently fallen off. Snow on a solar panel after some snow has apparently fallen off.

A steeper angle in snowy climates might help solar panels clear themselves of snow and save you the work of clearing them yourself.

Ben185/Getty Images

Determining the best solar panel angle by ZIP code

Some in the solar industry recommend using latitude as a means to determine the best angle, but McCalmont said that most people can ignore it: “Optimize for land costs or roof costs: how much space do you have available? How much energy are you trying to pack into that space? What are the differential costs from summer and winter utility rates?”

If you’re in a position to fine-tune your solar panel angle, online calculators like this one can help you determine the best angle for your specific location. That said, you probably don’t need to be so exact.

“In the United States, it’s simple. Forty-five degrees usually works,” said John Burke, director of the Maine Solar Energy Association. “If you’re further south or north you might want to adjust the angle a little bit. The rule of thumb is latitude, plus or minus 5 degrees.”

The effect of seasons on solar panel angle

In the US, the sun will be higher in the sky in the summer months and lower towards the horizon in the winter. You may want to adjust the angle of your panels, if possible, to lie flatter in the summer and closer to vertical in the summer to generate the maximum amount of electrons. Most residential solar panel customers will keep their panels at one angle throughout the year.

Solar panels that track the sun in a large solar farm. Solar panels that track the sun in a large solar farm.

Solar panels that track the sun’s position throughout the day make the most economic sense for utility-scale solar farms.

Ziba Photo Media/Getty Images

Is angle or direction more important?

“Angle tends to be pretty straightforward to optimize for that economic value,” McCalmont said. “But direction is a little more challenging to do because it depends on the shape of your land, the shape of your building and the shape of your house.”

Any reputable solar company will do simulations of how much sunlight your property receives in a year and will also conduct a site survey to ensure your roof is not shaded by trees and receives enough sunlight for your energy needs.

“There are companies that will sell you anything, even if your roof is completely shaded,” McCalmont said. “You want a company who’s ethical and understands these factors.”

Frequently asked questions about solar panel angle

Absolutely. Pick an angle that maximizes solar energy potential for your location. Most people will likely install panels at the angle of their roof, but you might have the option in some cases, like if you’re installing ground-mounted panels.

What is the best direction for solar panels?

In the northern hemisphere, you’ll generate more energy per day with south-facing solar panels. Sometimes solar panels are installed facing another direction to generate more energy at other parts of the day, or because there’s not enough roof space.

Why does solar panel angle matter?

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