Safari Could Get Website-Specific Dark Mode Toggle

Safari Could Get Website-Specific Dark Mode Toggle

Safari Dark Mode

In February, open-source code on GitHub corroborated speculation that Apple was developing RealityOS or rOS for its rumored mixed reality headset. Now, another GitHub repository for WebKit code suggests Apple is developing a dark mode toggle for Safari that would work with specific websites.

WebKit is an open-source browser engine like Chromium that powers your Safari experience. Its source code is publicly available on GitHub, a popular repository for computer code and documentation. 9to5Mac reportedly spotted changes to the WebKit code on GitHub that suggests Apple could implement a new option on Safari to override the system color scheme “with a per-website preference.” So, even if your iPhone or Mac is set to the Light color scheme in Settings, you can view certain websites in Dark Mode on Safari and vice-versa.

To recall, Apple introduced Dark Mode on iPhone and iPad with the iOS 13 update. The implementation allows app developers to match the system-wide Dark Mode preference and give provide a toggle in their app to override the system setting. Now, a similar option could be making its way to Safari, giving users granular control over Dark Mode.

The code for WebKit on GitHub also suggests that Apple is developing an option for Safari to block modal pop-ups generated by websites. These pop-ups usually resemble system-generated alerts and require users to click or tap on a button to be dismissed. Additionally, a new API is in the pipeline to manage “Cookie Consent,” presumably to tackle cookie preference-related pop-ups that websites generate.

All the above features are marked “to be announced” (TBA) in the repository, so it remains to be seen if they will make their way to Safari through upcoming iOS 15 and macOS Monterey point releases. Do you think Apple will hold off on these feature updates until the subsequent major software updates if it plans to release them? Please tell us what you think in the comments section below.

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