

The rise of electric vehicles convinced a lot of people that they could break into the automotive industry. One such company is Xiaomi, a Chinese smartphone maker. Just how well have they managed the transition from smart devices to cars? Pretty well, according to Chris Bangle.

Once the design director at BMW, Chris Bangle’s time at the German company was as influential as it was controversial. Still the subject of derision in some circles, no less a source than Klaus Draeger, BMW’s head of development, said that the designer had a lasting impact on the brand, and mapped out its path for the future.

However, in 2009 he left the company and hung out his own shingle with the Chris Bangle Associates design studio and consultancy firm. It appears that in that role he has been brought in to look at the SU7, Xiaomi’s all-electric sedan.

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In a video produced by Xiaomi, Bangle is complimentary about the design, calling the proportions balanced, and saying that he is super impressed by the interior. Ultimately, he says that the SU7 isn’t over-designed, and those who penned it should be very proud of it.

It probably shouldn’t come as a surprise that the car appeals to him, since Sawyer Li, also a former BMW designer, is Xiaomi EV’s head of design. Although their time at the company did not overlap, Bangle’s design legacy was carried on by Li. Now, has the opportunity to establish a legacy of his own.

“I see this vehicle for Xiaomi as being an emotional entry point. It’s kind of a crux point,” said Bangle. “My first reaction was, I think it fits the Xiaomi world, where they’re going […] This is the right start.”

As Bangle’s spin in the video proves, the SU7 is also quite powerful. In its top trim, the car gets two motors that pump out 664 hp (673 PS / 495 kW) and get it to 62 mph (100 km/h) in just 2.78 seconds and its 101 kWh battery is capable of conveying it up to 497 miles (800 km) per charge. It’s hard to disagree with the designer’s assessment that this is a good start for the smartphone brand, then.